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VisDqcParams Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
ChiFitDqpFloatChi square calculation.
CosmicRayPixelCountDqpIntCosmic Pixel Count.
DeadPixelCountDqpIntDead Pixel Count.
FourierFreqDqpFloatfourier analysis of the freq.
FourierFreqPowerDqpFloatsignaficance of the frequence detected.
GhostPixelCountDqpIntGhjost Pixel Count.
HotPixelCountDqpIntHot Pixel Count.
MaskedPixelFractionDqpFloatThe fraction of masked pixels
MaxDqpFloatMaximum image pixel value
MeanDqpFloatAverage image level (mean of all image pixel values)
MedianDqpFloatMedian image level (median of all image pixel values)
MinDqpFloatMinimum image pixel value
ModeDqpFloatSample mode of the image pixel values
PercentileLevelDqpFloatpercentile level
PixelCountDqpIntpixel count
SigmaClipModeDqpByteInformation on sigma clipping..
SignalToNoiseRatioDqpFloatChi square calculation.
StDevDqpFloatSample standard deviation of the image pixel values
StDevDiffDqpFloatStandard deviation difference from previous version.
SubWinFlatnessDqpFloatdifference in sub-window stats.
TemperatureCDqpFloatTemperature in Celsius.

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