BinningStrategy | str | Whether the redshift bins are balanced in terms of number of galaxies (equipop) or not (equidist). | |
DenoiseParams | DenoiseParams | DenoiseParams | |
GapsParams | GapsParamsPatch | GapsParams | |
MassThreshold | float | Select cluster with mass greater than this threshold. | |
McSeed | int | Seed of the random generator to compute MC realizations [unsigned int]. 0 means that the time will be used as seed (default if not set). | |
NResamples | int | Number of samples for error calculations. | |
PatchWidth | float | Width of Patch in decimal degrees. | |
PixelSize | float | Pixels size in arcminutes. | |
Project | str | Choice of Projection. | |
ReducedShear | ReducedShear | ReducedShear | |
SgnE1 | int | Multiplicative factor for shear E1 when mapping (+1 or -1). | |
SgnE2 | int | Multiplicative factor for shear E2 when mapping (+1 or -1). | |
ZMargin | float | Redshift margin for clusters (convergence computed from ZCluster+ZMargin to zmax). | |
ZMax | float | Maximal redshift considered in the catalog (convergence computed from ZCluster+ZMargin to zmax). | |
ZMaxHalo | float | Maximal redshift of the halo to be kept in the cluster catalog selection. | |