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TwoDMassParamsConvergenceClusters Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
BinningStrategystrWhether the redshift bins are balanced in terms of number of galaxies (equipop) or not (equidist).
MassThresholdfloatSelect cluster with mass greater than this threshold.
McSeedintSeed of the random generator to compute MC realizations [unsigned int]. 0 means that the time will be used as seed (default if not set).
NResamplesintNumber of samples for error calculations.
PatchWidthfloatWidth of Patch in decimal degrees.
PixelSizefloatPixels size in arcminutes.
ProjectstrChoice of Projection.
SgnE1intMultiplicative factor for shear E1 when mapping (+1 or -1).
SgnE2intMultiplicative factor for shear E2 when mapping (+1 or -1).
ZMarginfloatRedshift margin for clusters (convergence computed from ZCluster+ZMargin to zmax).
ZMaxfloatMaximal redshift considered in the catalog (convergence computed from ZCluster+ZMargin to zmax).
ZMaxHalofloatMaximal redshift of the halo to be kept in the cluster catalog selection.

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